– Control and test all types of cards and electronic components using a computer – Using block diagrams in programming and thus simplifying the detection and complexity of program paths in various industries with very high accuracy – Measuring a variety of parameters such as physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, force, displacement, traction, etc.
– Fully graphical environment with the ability to learn fast NI LabVIEW Software Features and Features : Labview has been widely used in a variety of electronics engineering, mechanics, medicine, mathematics, food industry, etc., but mostly in data acquisition systems (DAQ stands for Data Acquisition), measuring systems analysis, industrial automation and control systems, testing and data processing. NI LabVIEW stands for Nationally I nstruments Lab oratory V irtual I nstrument E ngineering W orkbench, meaning National Instruments Lab\\\\\\\’s Virtual Labs Engineering Desktop, which is a graphical or visual programming language platform or environment (Visual Programming Language).